What is Edcamp?

“Organic, participant-driven professional learning experiences
created by educators, for educators”

~The Edcamp Foundation

Unlike traditional conferences which have schedules set months in advance by the people running the conference, Edcamp has an agenda that is created by the participants at the start of the event. The focus is on learning from the ideas, strategies and knowledge of others.

When you arrive at edcamp the session board is blank. You will have the opportunity to write down on sticky notes your ideas about what you would like to learn more about, or what you would like to share. The sticky notes will all be taken up and organized by facilitators into a session schedule.

Active participation is a big part of the day. Edcamp unconferences believe in the law of two feet. If you are not getting what you need from a session you are encouraged to move and find one that interests you. 

Share your ideas on the EdcampB idea board or on Twitter @edcampB using the hashtag #edcampbarrie

Learning really is networked. We look forward to seeing you there!

Click on the links to read more about edcamp and why it can be such a powerful educator experience:

Teachers Take Back Professional Development - Kristen Swanson (ASCD)